DVDs by Paulin Productions
Besides the Twoubadou Kreyol, Twoubadou Kreyol Concert and Kreyolnet DVD magazines lines, we also produced or remastered other products such as documentaries, live events and the Carnivals / Raras in Leogane. To date we have more than 30 commercial produced DVDs on the market. If you are looking for a particular product that we have produced and you do not see it, please email us your request so we can update our page. To stream or preview the video of any of these products listed below just click on the link below the image. To buy any of the video just select on the right the name of the product you want and click add to cart. Repeat the process when ordering more than one title. You always are 1-click away from your video when streaming from our server " KREYOLNETFLIX®". KreyolnetFlix's technology is not streaming – it has its own file-based delivery technology that allows you the viewers to watch the video instantly or later regardless of your Internet connection speed.